Studio Lighting Kits

Lighting Kits Exactly How You Want it!

Professional gear tailored exactly how you want it.  Doesn’t get much better than that!

Photographers have different needs than DPs.  ENG shooters are looking for a different kit than studio production houses.  If you need batteries, light stands, barn doors, or a flight case, our kits have you covered.  Choose what YOU want, leave out what you don’t.  It’s that simple.

LED500One LED500

LED500x2Two LED500 LED500x3Three LED500
LED500x4Four LED500 LED1000+LED500One LED500 and One LED1000 LED1000+LED500x2Two LED500 and One LED1000
LED1000x1One LED1000 LED1000x1+LED500x3One LED1000 and Three LED500 LED1000x2Two LED1000
LED1000x2+LED500Two LED1000 and One LED500 LED1000x2+LED500x2Two LED1000 and Two LED500 LED1000x3Three LED1000
LED1000x3+LED500Three LED1000 and One LED500 LED1000x4Four LED1000

Lighting kits from Dracast is perfect for when you need an ultra-portable, quick setup solution. Light kits are great for ENG or DPs.  ENG shooters applications and on-location interviews where speed and ease of access is key.

This Dracast light kits includes:

  • Either daylight, tungsten, or adjustable color temperature. **
  • Installed V-Lock or Gold Mount battery plates. **
  • Adjustable light stands
  • Durable, nylon soft cases
  • A/C Power Adapters

“Complete the Kit” option includes the following accessories:

  • V-Lock or Gold Mount Dracast batteries
  • Battery charger
  • Injection molded hard travel case by SKB
  • Barn doors for added light spill control
  • Filter Frames
  • Filter Packs


** Pricing is variable on the types of product chosen.